- For the convenience of its students, accommodation in the hostels, on a shared basis, with clean and hygienic dining facilities is being provided by the Institute’s campus separately for both Boys (400 Seats) and Girls (260 Seats).
- The hostel rooms are spacious, well ventilated and are located within walking distance from the Institute. All the hostel rooms are fully furnished with beds, study tables, chairs and inbuilt & separate cupboards and are equipped with ceiling fans, lights and Solar Heater.
- Besides, the Hostels consists of a common dining hall, a common recreation Centre, hygienic bathrooms and individual lockers.
- Whereas all students can apply and be considered for hostel accommodation, accommodation in the hostels cannot be claimed as a matter of right by any student. Hostel accommodation, if provided, will be considered on the basis of need and availability, in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down by the Governing Body of the Institute and VIVEK BHARTI TRUST – JUNAGADH.
- The decision of the Hostel committee constituted by the Governing Body in accepting or rejecting any application and in granting or refusing admission and in all matters relating to the efficient running and maintenance of the hostels (including maintenance of discipline therein), shall be final and binding on all concerned.
- The hostels have 24 hours security arrangements with a fully trained Guard at the main entrance and round the clock vigil around the campus. The hostels have provision for indoor and outdoor games.
- The hostels also have Mess Committee, Sports Committee, Maintenance Committee and Cultural Committee so that the students get a chance to involve themselves in the smooth functioning of the hostels.
- The hostels have a First Aid and primary health kit for its residents.